Gianfranco Bosco

Curriculum Vitae

Education:     1990 Degree in Medicine and Surgery summa cum laude, University of Catania, 

1997 PhD in Peripheral Nervous System Physiopathology, University of Catania


Academic career:    1990-92 Research fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Catania

1992 -96 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; 

1997-98 Research Associate / Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; 

1998-2000 Research Associate / Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; 

2001-2004 Visiting Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; 

2000-2005 Researcher, Department of Neuroscience, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; 

2005-2013 Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Department of Systems Medicine, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; 

2013- Full Professor, Department of Systems Medicine, University of Rome "Tor Vergata";


Awards: SIF award 1998

Teaching Experience

Functional Neuroanatomy College of Biology University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN USA

Human Physiology
Degree in Medical Engineering University of Rome "Tor Vergata";

Human Physiology
Medical School University of Tirane “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” Tirane, Albany

Human Physiology Medical School University of Rome “Tor Vergata”


Human Physiology
Degree in Sports Science and Technology University of Rome "Tor Vergata";

Practical Medicine II Medical School University of Rome “Tor Vergata;


Physiology of Exercise
Degree in Physical Exercise and Health Promotion University of Rome "Tor Vergata";

Human Physiology Medical School (Degree taught in English) University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Human Physiology Pharmacy (Degree taught in English) University of Rome “Tor Vergata”




MIUR: PRIN 2004. Research Unit coordinator: “Neural substrates and adaptive processes of internal models for physical and biological motion perception.“.


MIUR: PRIN 2006. Research Unit coordinator: “Neural basis of the internal model of gravity: functional relevance for manual interception of free-falling objects.


MIUR: PRIN 2008. Research Unit coordinator: “Predictive processes for maual interception and biological motion perception”.


MIUR: PRIN 2017. Research Unit coordinator: “Performing Actions in a Changing Environment”.

MIUR: PRIN 2022. Research Unit coordinator: “Gravity in the brain: integration of visual and internalized gravity information for the interception of looming stimuli”.

Italian Spatial Agency: DCMC Program.  Workpackages:  PR-DCMC-GO-1B11_2 - Posture and Movement, PR-DCMC-GO-1B11_3 - Vestibular Mechanisms, PR-DCMC-GO-1B139 – Spinal Maps, PR-DCMC-GO-1B134 – Virtual Reality Protocols.  

University of Tor Vergata Research Program: Consolidate the Foundations 2015. PI of the project: “Cerebellar and hippocampal involvement in motor adaptation and recovery. A study in healthy humans and transgenic mice models of neurodegeneration.”

Italian Ministry of Health Finalized Research Grant 2019. Co-PI of the project: “Image and genetically guided personalized neuromodulation therapy for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness”.





Member of the elective board of the Department of Neuroscience of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”   Member of the scientific board of the Center for Space Biomedicine of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”


Member for the School of Medicine of the Curriculum Design Committee of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"


Member of the didactic committee of the School of Medicine of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"


President of the didactic committee of the International School of Medicine of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"


Member of the peer student-teacher committee of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"


Secretary member of the council of the Department of Systems Medicine.

President of the degree course in Medicina e Chirurgia of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"


Peer Reviewing

Peer reviewer for the following indexed journals:

1)    Journal of Neuroscience
2) Journal of Neurophysiology 3) Experimental Brain Research 4) Frontiers in Neuroscience 5) PLOSone 6) Journal of Experimental Psychology 7) Scientific Report

Associate Editor for the Neuroscience Journal; Biomed Research International, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience.




Publications on indexed journals

1) Berretta S., Bosco G., Smecca G., e Perciavalle V. The cerebellopontine system: an electrophysiological study in the rat. Brain Res 568:178-84, Elsevier B. V., UK 1991 

2) Raffaele R., Cosentino E., Anicito MB., Sciacca A., Rampello L., Pennisi G., Genazzani AA., Bosco G., Casabona A., e Drago F. Effects of TRH-T on spinal motoneurones in man. Neuroreport 3: 1017-8, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, UK 1992 

3) Berretta S., Bosco G., Giaquinta G., Smecca G., e Perciavalle V. Cerebellar influences on accessory oculomotor nuclei of the rat: a neuroanatomical, immunohistochemical, and electrophysiological study. J Comp Neurol 338:50-66, Wiley-Liss Inc., USA 1993 

4) Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Broad directional tuning in spinal projections to the cerebellum. J. Neurophysiol. 70: 863-6, The American Physiological Society, USA 1993 

5) Bosco G., Casabona A. e Perciavalle V.Non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors mediate neocerebellar excitation at accessory oculomotor nuclei synapses of the rat. Arch Ital Biol 132: 215-27, The University of Pisa, Italia 1994 

6) Bosco G., Giaquinta G., Raffaele R., Smecca G. e Perciavalle V. Projections from the cerebral cortex to the accessory oculomotor nuclei of the rat: a neuroanatomical and immunohistochemical study. J Hirnforsch. 35: 521-29, Germany 1994 

7) Perciavalle V, Bosco G e Poppele R Correlated activity in the spinocerebellum is related to spinal timing generators. Brain Res 695:293-7, Elsevier B. V., UK 1995 

8) Bosco G., Casabona A., Giaquinta G., Giuffrida R. e Perciavalle V. c-fos expression in the accessory oculomotor nuclei following neocerebellar stimulation. Neuroreport 7:2135-8, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, UK 1996 

9) Bosco G., Casabona A., Giaquinta G., e Perciavalle V. Influences exerted by the frontal eye field on accessory oculomotor nuclei neurons of the rat. Arch Ital Biol 134: 305-16, The University of Pisa, Italia 1996 

10) Bosco, G. e Poppele R.E. Temporal features of directional tuning by spinocerebellar neurons. Relation to limb geometry. J. Neurophysiol. 75: 1647-1658, The American Physiological Society, USA 1996 

11) Bosco, G., Rankin A. e Poppele R.E. Representation of passive hindlimb postures in cat spinocerebellar activity. J. Neurophysiol. 76: 715-726, The American Physiological Society, USA 1996 

12) Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Representation of multiple kinematic parameters of the cat hindlimb in spinocerebellar activity. J. Neurophysiol. Sep;78:1421-32, The American Physiological Society, USA 1997 

13) Poppele R.E. e Bosco G. Distribution of activity in the cerebellar cortex resulting from passive limb movement. Behav. Brain Sci. 20 (2): 262-3, Cambridge University Press, USA 1997 

14) Giaquinta, G., Casabona, A., Valle, MS, Bosco, G. e Perciavalle, V. Spinocerebellar Purkinje cells and rat forelimb postures: a direction-dependent activity. Neurosci Lett 3;245(2):81-4, Elsevier B. V., UK 1998]

15) Perciavalle V., Bosco G. e Poppele, RE. Spatial organization of proprioception in the cat spinocerebellum. Purkinje cell responses to passive foot rotation. Eur. J. Neurosci. 10:1975-85, Blackwell Publishing, UK 1998 

16) Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Low sensitivity of dorsal spinocerebellar neurons to limb movement speed. Exp. Brain Res. 125:313-22, Springer-Verlag, Germany 1999

17) Giaquinta G, Casabona A, Smecca G, Bosco G, Perciavalle V. Cortical control of cerebellar dentato-rubral and dentato-olivary neurons. Neuroreport. 10(14):3009-13, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, UK 1999 

18) Giaquinta G, Casabona A, Valle MS, Bosco G, Perciavalle V. On the relation of rat's external cuneate activity to global parameters of forelimb posture. Neuroreport. 10(14):3075-80, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, UK 1999 

19) Giaquinta G, Valle MS, Caserta C, Casabona A, Bosco G, Perciavalle V. Sensory representation of passive movement kinematics by rat's spinocerebellar purkinje cells. Neurosci Lett. 285(1):41-4, Elsevier B. V., UK 2000 

20) Bosco G., Poppele R.E., Eian E. Reference frames for spinal proprioception: limb endpoint based or joint-level based? J Neurophysiol. 83(5):2931-45, The American Physiological Society, USA 2000 

21) Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Reference frames for spinal proprioception: kinematics based or kinetics based? J Neurophysiol. 83(5):2946-55, The American Physiological Society, USA 2000 

22) Bosco G., Giaquinta G, Valle MS, Caserta C, Casabona A, Perciavalle V. Distribution of spinocerebellar Purkinje cell responses to passive forelimb movements in the rat. Eur. J. Neurosci. 12: 4063-73, Blackwell Publishing, UK 2000 

23) Valle M.S., Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Information processing in the spinocerebellar system. Neuroreport. 11: 4075-9, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, UK 2000

24) Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Spinal proprioception from a spinocerebellar perspective. Physiol. Rev. 81: 539-68, The American Physiological Society, USA 2001 

25) Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Encoding of hindlimb kinematics by spinocerebellar circuitry. Arch Ital Biol, 140: 185-192, The University of Pisa, Italia 2002 

26) Garifoli A., Caserta C., Bosco G., Lombardo S.A., Casabona A. e Perciavalle V. Kinematic features of passive forelimb movements and rat cuneate neuron discharges. Neuroreport 13:267-271, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, UK 

27) Poppele R.E., Bosco G. e Rankin, A. Independent representations of limb axis length and orientation in spinocerebellar response components. J Neurophysiol 87: 409–422, The American Physiological Society, USA 2002 

28) Casabona A. , Valle M.S. , Bosco G. , Garifoli A., Lombardo S. A., Perciavalle V. Anisotropic representation of forelimb position in the cerebellar cortex and nucleus interpositus of the rat. Brain Res 972: 127-136, Elsevier B. V., UK 2003 

29) Poppele R.E. e Bosco G. Sophisticated spinal contributions to motor control. Trends Neurosci. 26 (5): 269-276, Elsevier B. V., UK 2003 

30) Bosco G, Poppele R. Cerebellar afferent systems: can they help us understand cerebellar function? Cerebellum. 2(3):162-4, UK 2003 

31) Bosco G., Rankin A. e Poppele R.E. Modulation of Dorsal Spinocerebellar Responses to Limb Movement I. Effect of Serotonin. J Neurophysiol 90 (5): 3361-71, The American Physiological Society, USA 2003 

32) Bosco G. e Poppele R.E. Modulation of Dorsal Spinocerebellar Responses to Limb Movement II. Effect of Sensory Input. J Neurophysiol. 90 (5): 3372-83, The American Physiological Society, USA 2003

33) Zago M, Bosco G, Maffei V, Iosa M, Ivanenko YP, Lacquaniti F. Internal models of target motion: expected dynamics overrides measured kinematics in timing manual interceptions. J Neurophysiol. , 91: 1620-34, The American Physiological Society, USA 2004 

34) Casabona A., Valle MS, Bosco G, Perciavalle V. Cerebellar encoding of limb position. Cerebellum. 3(3):172-7, UK 2004 

35) Zago M, Bosco G, Maffei V, Iosa M, Ivanenko YP, Lacquaniti F. Fast adaptation of the internal model of gravity for manual interceptions: evidence for event-dependent learning. J Neurophysiol., 93(2):1055-68, The American Physiological Society, USA 2005 

36) Indovina I, Maffei V, Bosco G, Zago M, Macaluso E, Lacquaniti F. Representation of visual gravitational motion in the human vestibular cortex. Science. Apr 15;308(5720):416-9. AAAS, USA 2005 

37) Bosco G, Eian J, Poppele RE. Kinematic and non-kinematic signals transmitted to the cat cerebellum during passive treadmill stepping. Exp Brain Res. Dec 167(3):394-403. Springer-Verlag, Germany 2005 

38) Bosco G, Eian J, Poppele RE. Phase-specific sensory representations in spinocerebellar activity during stepping: evidence for a hybrid kinematic/kinetic framework. Exp Brain Res. 175(1):83-96 Springer-Verlag, Germany 2006 

39) Valle MS, Casabona A., Bosco G, Perciavalle V. Spatial anisotropy in the encoding of 3D passive limb position by the spinocerebellum. Neuroscience 144(3):783-7 Elsevier, UK 2007 

40) Miller WL, Maffei V, Bosco G, Iosa M, Zago M, Macaluso E, Lacquaniti F. Vestibular nuclei and cerebellum put visual gravitational motion in context. J Neurophysiol. 99(4):1969-82 The American Physiological Society, USA 2008 

41) Valle MS, Eian J, Bosco G, Poppele RE Cerebellar cortical activity in the cat anterior lobe during hindlimb stepping. Exp Brain Res. 187(3):359-72 Springer-Verlag, Germany 2008 

42) Valle MS, Casabona A., Bosco G, Perciavalle V. Comparison of neuronal activities of external cuneate nucleus, spinocerebellar cortex and interpositus nucleus during passive movements of the rat's forelimb,Neuroscience 157: 271- 79 Elsevier, UK 2008 

43) Bosco G, Carrozzo M, Lacquaniti F. Contributions of the human temporo- parietal junction and MT/V5+ to the timing of interception revealed by TMS. J Neurosci. 28: 12071-12084 USA 2008 

44) Casabona A, Bosco G, Perciavalle V, Valle MS.Processing of Limb Kinematics in the Interpositus Nucleus. Cerebellum. 2010 (1): 103-10. 

45) Valle MS, Bosco G, Casabona A, Garifoli A, Perciavalle V, Coco M, Perciavalle V. Representation of Movement Velocity in the Rat's Interpositus Nucleus During Passive Forelimb Movements.Cerebellum. 2010 9(2): 249-58. 

46) Bosco G. Principal Component Analysis of Electromyographic Signals: An Overview. The Open Rehabilitation Journal. 2010, 3: 127- 131

47) Valle MS, Eian J, Bosco G, Poppele RE. The organization of cortical activity in the anterior lobe of the cat cerebellum during hindlimb stepping. Exp Brain Res. 2012 216: 349-365

48) Bosco G, Delle Monache S, Lacquaniti F. Catching what we can't see: manual interception of occluded fly-ball trajectories. PloS One. 2012 Nov. 14

49) Lacquaniti F, Bosco G, Indovina I, La Scaleia B, Maffei V, Moscatelli A, Zago M. Visual gravitational motion and the vestibular system in humans. Front Integr Neurosci. 2013 Dec 26;7:101

50) Lacquaniti F, Bosco G, Gravano S, Indovina I, La Scaleia B, Maffei V, Zago M. Multisensory integration and internal models for sensing gravity effects in primates. Biomed Res Int. 2014: 615854

51) Delle Monache S, Lacquaniti F, Bosco G. Eye movements and manual interception of ballistic trajectories: effects of law of motion perturbations and occlusions. Exp Brain Res. 2015; 233(2):359-74.

52) Bosco G, Monache SD, Gravano S, Indovina I, La Scaleia B, Maffei V, Zago M, Lacquaniti F. Filling gaps in visual motion for target capture. Front Integr Neurosci. 2015 Feb 23;9:13

53) Lacquaniti F, Bosco G, Gravano S, Indovina I, La Scaleia B, Maffei V, Zago M. 

Gravity in the Brain as a Reference for Space and Time Perception. Multisens Res.



54) Delle Monache S, Lacquaniti F, Bosco G. Differential contributions to the interception of occluded ballistic trajectories by the temporoparietal junction, area hMT/V5+, and the intraparietal cortex. J Neurophysiol 118: 1809–1823, 2017.


55) Valle MS, Bosco G, Poppele RE. Cerebellar compartments for the processing of kinematic and kinetic information related to hindlimb stepping. Exp Brain Res 235: 3437–3448, 2017.


56) Indovina I, Riccelli R, Passamonti L, Maffei V, Bosco G, Lacquaniti F, Toschi

N. Structural connectome of the human vestibular, pre-motor, and navigation network. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2018 Jul; 2018: 588-591.


57) Delle Monache S, Lacquaniti F, Bosco G. Ocular tracking of occluded ballistic

trajectories: Effects of visual context and of target law of motion. J Vis. 2019

Apr 1;19(4):13.


58) De Sá Teixeira NA, Bosco G, Delle Monache S, Lacquaniti F. The role of

cortical areas hMT/V5+ and TPJ on the magnitude of representational momentum and

representational gravity: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Exp Brain

Res. 2019 Dec;237(12): 3375-3390. 


59) Indovina I, Bosco G, Riccelli R, Maffei V, Lacquaniti F, Passamonti L, Toschi

N. Structural connectome and connectivity lateralization of the multimodal

vestibular cortical network. Neuroimage. 2020 Nov 15;222:117247.


60) Delle Monache S, Indovina I, Zago M, Daprati E, Lacquaniti F, Bosco G. Watching the Effects of Gravity. Vestibular Cortex and the Neural Representation of "Visual" Gravity. Front Integr Neurosci. 2021 Dec 1; 15:793634


61) Pérez O, Delle Monache S, Lacquaniti F, Bosco G, Merchant H. Rhythmic tapping

to a moving beat motion kinematics overrules natural gravity. iScience. 2023 Aug



62) Delle Monache S, Paolocci G, Scalici F, Conti A, Lacquaniti F, Indovina I,

Bosco G. Interception of vertically approaching objects: temporal recruitment of

the internal model of gravity and contribution of optical information. Front

Physiol. 2023 Nov 17;14:1266332. 


63) Indovina I, Cacciola A, Delle Monache S, Milardi D, Lacquaniti F, Toschi N,

Cochereau J, Bosco G. A case report of agoraphobia following right parietal lobe

surgery: changes in functional and structural connectivities of the multimodal

vestibular network. Front Neurol. 2023 May 12;14:1163005. 



Publications on edited books

Bosco G, Lacquaniti F. Locomozione. Chapter XXVI in Fisiologia Medica edited by F. Conti ed. Edi-Ermes, Milano ISBN: 8870512827

Bosco G, Lacquaniti F. Introduzione ai sistemi motori, in Fisiologia Medica a cura di F. Conti ed. Edi-Ermes, Milano ISBN: 9788870515459 

Bosco G, Lacquaniti F. Anatomo-Physiological elements of motor systems, in Handbook of neurorehabilitation and principles of neurology, a cura di C Caltagirone, F. Piras, P. Imbriani, ed. Giunti Psychometrics EAN: 9788809900998 

Bosco G, Indovina I, Moscatelli A, Zago M. Anatomo-Physiological elements of sensory systems, in Handbook of neurorehabilitation and principles of neurology, a cura di C Caltagirone, F. Piras, P. Imbriani, ed. Giunti Psychometrics EAN: 9788809900998